Topographic Vectors
Location: Broomfield, Colorado
Year: 2017
Project Type: Public Art
Size: 1,500 Square Feet
Finalist - McKay/Lambertsons Open Lands Public Art Project
The design is composed of 4 arrays each containing 14 perforated steel blades arranged in the landscape. Steel was chosen for its ability to withstand exposure, and when left to naturally weather it develops a patina that visually blends into the hues of the natural landscape. The set of blades is composed to orient people towards a prominent mountain peaks above 14,000’ that are visible from the site. The 14 blades symbolize each peaks elevation above 14,000 ft. Approaching along a path the public will first notice a perforated topographic pattern regarding the peak along the set of blades. Every blade has a facet which rotates in a stepped gradient, culminating at the last blade which is rotated perpendicular to a vector which directs people to the mountain peak view. On this panel an educational piece supports this view and provides information regarding the peak history and statistics.